Test: How impatient are you?

Everything seems to make us impatient: the pace of our lives, new technology, the stress of taking on too many commitments. The result? Our tolerance for waiting is at an all-time low. Take this test to figure out the source of your impatience and how you can take the pressure off. Test compiled by Flavia Mazelin Salvi


Personality Test

A colleague is making slow progress on a deadline you’re working on together. You:

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You finally get around to dealing with that boring pile of filing. You:

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The film you’re watching is starting to become boring, so you:

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You’ve got a trolley full of shopping but the queue at the checkout is enormous. You:

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A friend is talking to you on the phone about her problems. You:

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You encounter a problem with a project you’re working on. You:

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After nagging your child in vain to tidy their bedroom, you:

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Your day is proving to be difficult. You view this as:

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You are waiting for some vital information, which hasn’t materialised. You:

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You can choose between several routes to your destination. You go for:

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You can’t stand working with…

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The upside of technology is:

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