Six tips for matching your style to your personality
Combining advice from legendary fashion voices and creatives with the best tips from our own ‘How to look like yourself’ columns, we put forward our top six tips for dressing to match your style to your personality

It’s something we all do every day. We get up, shower, clean our teeth. And we get dressed. The clothes we wrap our bodies in tell our own personal story, they portray to the world how we think and feel. They reflect our mood and suit our actions. You could almost think of the clothes we wear as a connection between body and mind.
Psychologies have long believed style is important, and moreover, that to be confident and authentic, we should dress to look like ourselves, a topic we visit every month in our ‘How to look like yourself’ columns (see Related News & Articles, below) with image adviser Mandy Lehto. But as easy as it sounds, many of us find it surprisingly difficult to find and wear clothes that we truly feel represent our personality.
Last week, we went to the TK Maxx Style by Me debate, part of their Me. By Me campaign, celebrating the brand's belief that people are their happiest and most confident when they are their true selves. At the debate, fashion heroes Hilary Alexander, Zandra Rhodes and Dawn O’Porter (pictured) discussed what it meant to dress for our own individual style, rejecting the trend-following packs and creating a unique style individual to our own personalities.
Combining what we have learnt from these style legends and our own ‘How to dress like yourself’ case studies, here are some tips for dressing authentically for your own personality:
Photograph: TKMaxx – Dawn O'Porter attending the debate
More inspiration:
Read Red schmed – there ARE other colours for Valentine's Day by Mandy Lehto on LifeLabs