Shifting gears with your relationship

Embracing change could be the help you need


Shifting gears with your relationship

Tips on how to recalibrate a relationship in flux. 

  • Meditate or write in your journal to work out your true feelings about the change.
  • If applicable, try to โ€˜matchโ€™ the change; do something that lifts you attitudinally, physically or psychologically.
  • Get out of the rut of talking about the same things and pick new conversations. Author, Terri Orbuch, advocates the daily โ€˜10-minute ruleโ€™. In this time, youโ€™re not allowed to talk about work, โ€˜life adminโ€™, your children or relationship.
  • Listen without interrupting.
  • Donโ€™t expect one person to fulfil all your relationship needs; female friendships are particularly important to women.
  • Note why youโ€™re grateful for the relationship/person.
  • Express concerns as they come up; donโ€™t let them fester.
  • Let go of the view of what your relationship โ€˜shouldโ€™ be, and see what it โ€˜couldโ€™ be.

Get more advice about your relationships here.

Photographs: iStock

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