Nostalgia gives you a more positive outlook

There's a very good reason to enjoy a little trip down memory lane…


Nostalgia gives you a more positive outlook

Remember those sunny days in the park as a child, when your only care in the world was whether there was enough wind to fly your kite?

Well it seems it’s good to take a trip down memory lane, as researchers say nostalgia and happy memories can also make us feel more optimistic by raising and maintaining feelings of self-esteem, contributing to a more positive outlook on our future.

Dr Tim Wildschut, co-author of the University of Southampton study, said: 'Nostalgia is experienced frequently and virtually by everyone and we know that it can maintain psychological comfort. For example, nostalgic reverie can combat loneliness. We wanted to take that a step further and assess whether it can increase a feeling of optimism about the future.'


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