Layered berry breakfast pots

Give yourself a healthy breakfast boost with some pre-made layered berry pots


Layered berry breakfast pots

Bored of breakfast in a rush? Prepare yourself these fresh and vitamin-filled layered berry pots the night before.

  • Serves: 4
  • Preperation: 15 minutes


  • 75g/3oz muesli
  • 2 tablespoons goji berries
  • 100ml/31/2fl oz freshly squeezed orange juice or from a carton
  • 500g/1lb 2 oz carton coconut or honey flavoured Greek style yogurt
  • 350g/12oz strawberries, hulled
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 100g/4oz blackberries
  • Few extra strawberries, hulled, sliced


1. Mix the muesli, goji berries and orange juice together then spoon half the mixture into the base of 4 x 370g/121/2oz clip top or screw topped jam jars. Top with a layer of yogurt.

2. Roughly chop then mash the strawberries with a fork. Mix with the chia seeds and spoon over the top of the yogurt.

3. Cover with most of the remaining muesli then the yogurt. Sprinkle with the blackberries, a few extra sliced strawberries and the rest of the muesli. Clip or screw on the lids and serve now, or chill until ready to serve.

Cookโ€™s tip

Not a fan of muesli? Simply stir the strawberry and chia mix and whole blackberries into your favourite flavoured yogurt.

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