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Your Soul Essence Is Your Gift

Walking the path from Self to Soul is the most important, and powerful path, I believe we can walk down. It truly sets us free to be who we truly are.

I don’t know about your Facebook feed and social media accounts. But mine is constantly flooded by marketing that tells me that if I want to succeed I NEED this specific method, secret, tool or way…. along the lines of “I struggled for years, but now I discovered what works”…or “I have uncovered this special secret to unlock my life, now you can have it too”…. 

And it is easy to get hooked into, isn’t it. Because who does not want to pay a sum of money to get the key to success in life handed to your inbox?

I remember when I started out as a ‘solo-preneur’ I was divided between

– My inner knowing that only I hold the recipe for my business, which will be unique to me. And…..

– The ‘expert advices’ from everyone who had seemingly cracked the code, and now held the answers to my goals.

I’ve stubbornly stuck to my inner knowing, but it has not been without some detours, doubts and fearful conversations with myself whilst finding my rhythm. Because when the whole world apparently knew something I didn’t …then what?

I see again and again, that our recipe for success IS unique. It completely depends on our soul-essence. I have read energetically and uncovered divine-soul blueprints for countless clients – and I can say, not one person is the same.

But I do know that there are some energetic principles that apply to each one of us, which we cannot bypass. The beauty is that they provide a perfect container for us to flow freely and shape our success in a way that works for us – and who we are at soul level.

If we want to create and live life in flow, and from Soul, we cannot look for answers in a world, which operates on conditioning and collective consciousness (yes that goes for large parts of the ‘spiritual world’ too). 
We are served by learning to use our own inner wisdom and intuition to discern what exactly we need, and what works for us.

This is what I support my clients with, finding their soul-essence. And teaching the mystical principles of self-transformation, creation, energetic power and manifestation.

I don’t hold the be all and end all truths. But I’m an opportunity, among other great teachers, for the people, who align to my kind of energy – and feel that the way of rising to inner power, which I offer, feels right for them.

It would be my honor to share my gift with you 

Your Soul Essence Is Your Gift

Your Soul Essence Is Your Gift

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