Sketch noting for a calmer mind…
How sketch noting can help you establish what to focus on and what to let go of...

One Saturday morning just before lock down was upon us, whilst having a cuppa I felt a pang of anxiety. Followed by flood of panic and I started to feel, well, all a bit discombobulated. I’d been watching the news the evening before and following the events unfold on social media and it was looking highly likely that life as we know it was about to change.
I had so many things running through my mind I needed to get it down on paper and out of my head! Sketch noting (doodling, drawing, whatever name works for you) is for me a way of calming my mind. Not only do I find it useful for gaining clarity but the act of taking time to be ‘in flow’ is hugely beneficial.
This is the sketch note I drew to ease my anxious mind on that Saturday morning. It’s about thinking what you CAN control and what CAN’T. What you can influence and what you can’t.
Let go of the things you can’t control or influence
Focus on the things you can control and influence
I hope it helps you too.

Jo Reeves PCC, PG Cert
Personal and Business Coach and Coach Tutor
I am an innovative, professional transformational change coach, who is passionate about building confidence, self-belief and self-worth that sticks. I coach people to find their superpower! I consider myself a true change coach. I’m passionate about coaching my clients to be the very best versions of themselves. Finding change difficult? Are you a people pleaser? Are you lacking in self-esteem? Are you struggling with perfectionism? Boundaries an issue? Then let us talk. My approach is holistic and collaborative – we will work together to form a coaching relationship that is built on trust, authenticity, and honesty, one which will work with the whole of you. I will give you the space and time to think, I will nurture new approaches, identify blocks, set goals, and celebrate all that is you! But I’m not afraid of challenge and I will hold you to account if need be! Work with me and let us shine a light on a new mindset. I am In-House Coach and Tutor for Barefoot Coaching on the ICF PG CERT in Business and Personal Coaching, Coaching Foundation Programme and Coaching Skills for Family Life. I deliver the online ‘Self Belief and Confidence for Life’ and ‘Women’s Development Programme’. As a Substance Misuse Counsellor within the voluntary and charity sector for 10 years, I provided clinical support and counselling to a high portfolio of diverse clients with varying degrees of substance misuse within a multi-disciplinary composition; including Criminal Justice and Shared Care settings. Working closely with GPs, Probation Officers, Housing Teams and Community Mental Health teams, I worked with often challenging individuals with life threatening behaviours to address their needs and their goals for change. Using positive psychology to manage risk and reduce harm, I built trust with individuals who had lost trust in society. It was during this time I built my strong and steadfast foundations for being a coach.