Redundancy can be a roller coaster of emotions whilst also requiring you to keep a cool head as you navigate the complexity of the legalities, challenges and realities it brings. Here’s ten ways to help you manage your mindset and mitigate the erosion that can occur through the uncertainty...

Redundancy can be a roller coaster of emotions whilst also requiring you to keep a cool head as you navigate the complexity of the legalities, challenges and realities that it brings.
There are lots of advisory services and resources out there to help with you the practical side of things. Here’s ten ways to help you manage your mindset and mitigate the erosion that can occur through prolonged periods of stress and uncertainty:
1. Face your fears – write down everything you are worried about. Finances are likely to be right up there. Invest time in creating multiple scenario projections and plans, tapping in to all the resources around you so that you understand the reality but also the possibilities to stop the potential worries of anxiety kicking in before they are due.
2. Don’t believe everything you think – maintain perspective by holding yourself accountable to think in the grey rather than the extreme black and whites. Notice thoughts that catastrophise or go straight to worst case scenario. When you think about something that worries you, ask yourself ‘is this true? Thinking about what you might say to comfort a friend in the same situation is another great way of achieving perspective and focusing on facts rather than fears.
3. Prepare for the lows – many people describe the way stress hits you through this period as waves. Be prepared for the freak waves. What are your go-to techniques for managing those feelings of panic and dread? Whether it is breathing, fresh air, a cuddle with your pooch, Pilates or a rant to that friend that just listens without judgement. Keep these front of mind and be aware of the tell-tale signs that it’s time to implement them e.g. short tempered-ness, brain fog, palpitations, stiff neck etc.
4. Make your next step a ‘want to’ not a ‘have to’ – when you have to dig deep for the energy and willingness to do something, making sure it is something you want to do makes it much easier. Spend time reflecting on what is important to you, what your values are, what you enjoy doing, and try to align your next career steps with these as much as is realistically possible. You’ll find motivating yourself to do what you need to do much easier.
5. Consistency is key – create structure in your day. Create a routine that ensures you get up and start your day like a working week. Build in breaks and down time where you are not doing or indeed worrying, just like you would with a job. Ensure you have physical boundaries too. Perhaps only work on redundancy or job search related activities in a specific place in the house where you can shut it off when you are done.
6. Build in accountability – create accountability for doing what needs to be done. Displaying your week structure on the fridge or asking a friend to check in on your progress regularly can be a great way of building this in. Time-boxing and setting time and date deadlines to tasks will help you feel like you are moving forward and give you things to celebrate to keep you motivated towards achieving them.
7. Create interactions during the day – isolation and loneliness during the working day, when it feels like everyone else is working, can have an incredibly negative impact on your mindset. Make time in your schedule to connect with others through the day – perhaps a virtual cuppa with a friend, enrolling in a voluntary programme or a visit to the local coffee place to bring connection into your daily life as you would at work.
8. Find the boat – Connecting with people in the same boat is such a powerful support mechanism. Being around people experiencing similar things, sharing how you are feeling, normalising your emotions and swapping knowledge or learnings helps keep your focus on, and expand, what you are able to control. Being able to support others in our own times of crises can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling, bringing a positive dimension to our experience. And in return having an empathetic ear at the other end of the telephone when you need it will help with the top of those stress waves. Look for local or online support groups and if you can’t find what you are looking for, make one yourself!
9. Move! – Physical exercise and energy management is a core element of resilience for your mindset. Build movement into your structure – whether that be a walk or a more energetic workout, anything you can do has a positive impact on your body and mind.
10. Optimise your diet – in trying times, we need pull out the big guns. You need your mind to be fighting fit to support you through this phase of your career, so nourish it well with brain food – healthy fats and lots of water are particularly valuable investments you can make in to your brain’s well-being.
What will you commit to doing to support your mindset? When will you start?
Tracy James is a Life Coach and Team and Leadership coach based in Berkshire. In her private ‘Aimed and Changerous™’ coaching practice she specialises in helping people gain control of their thinking to help them move towards more contented lives and careers.
For daily self-coaching tips check out her Insta stories @brightyellowcoaching Subscribe to her newsletter at, or book a free discovery session to explore how career coaching could support you.

Tracy James – PCC
Life and Team & Leadership Coach
Life and work can feel fast paced and full of expectations, challenges and stuff and things to fill our time with – not all of them in line with who we want to be and how we want to feel. Often our mindset can be the biggest blocker to creating the changes that move us closer to that - whether that be confidence, understanding your preferences or purpose, knowing your values and what’s truly important to you, self-awareness or ability to stretch outside of a well-worn in comfort zone. My purpose as a Team & Leadership and Life & Career coach is support you in achieving the self-awareness and empathy required to know your purpose and what feels right for you. To support you in overcoming blockers – whether internal or external. To help you understand and mobilise your unique strengths and superpowers whilst mitigating your development areas, and to help you formulate and implement informed, realistic and viable action plans. In other words, help you get clarity, find purpose, smash blockers and move forward in your life and your career. I am an accredited to PCC level with the ICF, trained with Barefoot Coaching and studied Business and Personal Coaching with the University of Chester. I pull on an eclectic mix of techniques from systemic and leadership methodologies, to values and strengths tools that I tailor in personalised programmes for each of my clients. I work particularly effectively with those seeking to move forward from emotional drains such as anxiety, lack of confidence or loss and towards a more purposeful life and career and in supporting leaders to lead with authenticity, influence and confident impact. I offer a free 30-minute discovery session to help you find out more about the process and how we might work together. From here you will take away a personalised programme proposal to review to help you decide on the best way forward for you. If you would like to explore this further please book your free discovery session here If you would like to know what my clients say, check out my testimonials here