How you change affects those around you
As therapists we help YOU change. It’s like throwing a pebble in a lake - a big splash and things change for you and also for everyone in your world. Written by Ollie Coach and creator of the Ollie Model, Alison Knowles

Ripples in a pond.
I did networking today with some local therapists. It was really interesting to hear where they trained what techniques they favour and the type of clients that find them. It was great as we were all very different in our approach. One size does not fit all. The most important thing is that we help you achieve change.
There was a younger lad in the group just starting his training and so full of questions for us “veterans” ha!! He asked each of us for the most important lesson we had learnt so that he might learn it now and not cock up. Bless him. Felt like saying “buckle up mate”. My peers came out with sensible stuff. In fact, they pinched all my words of wisdom reference doing no harm, roots not branches etc. I had a sneaky feeling they had been reading my posts. How rude!!!.
So when it got to my turn my material had been used up. All the advice so far had been about clients so I thought let’s give him something that none of us discuss but he will face, but a thing he won’t notice until it’s too late unless like me he is surrounded by people not afraid to give me a virtual slap every now again. I said “beware the ripples in the pond”. You see, as therapist we help YOU change. It’s like throwing a pebble in a lake – a big splash and things change for you.
My example was me. My pebble in my boring, calm, going nowhere lake was passing my exams and making the decision to be a full time therapist. Well those ripples started changing my world and I have to say for me in a fantastic and awesome way. I love what I do and have never been happier. But here’s the thing about ripples. They spread across the lake and hit the shore line and can erode it away over time. Uncovering good stuff, widening your lake but also changing the landscape for those who share your world. I was lucky. I had life guards and wise friends who made sure I was aware of the ripples.
My advice to this young chap was ‘go for it, you will love it but your ripples change the landscape for everyone in your world’. Imagine the fisherman on the bank of your lake. Happy to sit and fish the calm waters. Fishing is his dream just as you are following yours. All that splashing from your ripples make sitting quietly by a calm lake very hard. I told him to make sure to consider the fisherman on his lake.
Ali Knowles, Ollie Coach
Ali is the creator of the Ollie model, author of the Ollie and his Super Powers series of books and co-founder of Subconquest. Ali has an infectious passion for making a difference to people’s lives and has a natural affinity for working with children. Ali is all about empowering you, young and old, to be all you can be.
To get in contact with Ali, email
To find out more about Ollie and his Super Powers and how to become an Ollie Coach go to

Caroline Chipper
Co founder of Subconquest Ltd, that trades as Ollie and his Super Powers. My many years of commercial experience is being put to good use managing the business side of Ollie, including working with our Ollie Coaches, and managing our contracts. In everything we do its about making a difference to those we work with. To find out more go to