How will you choose to remember 2020?
In this blog Ollie Coach, Lorraine Singleton tells us of how she is putting her 'oxygen mask' on everyday, making the most of 2020.

I’d like to introduce you to Louis. He’s a puppy with ‘Superpowers’. But more about Louis later….
How can we protect our children in life after the ‘C Word of 2020?’ The answer is, let’s face it. Really we can’t….. Can we?
Ok, maybe that’s a bit harsh. Of course we can, to a certain degree.
Children are so intuitive from a young age, picking up what’s going on around them from parents, friends, our TVs and computers. So setting good boundaries and examples, is really all we can do.
Why I became an ‘Ollie Coach’.
At 18 years old and 3 months pregnant I got married. I remember it well. Whilst I was happy, I also felt anxious, worried, fearful of the unknown and concerned for how I would be able to look after a new baby.
Friends and family had been throwing their advice at me. ‘You don’t have to have the baby, you can still go to University, get a good job, and have a baby when you’re ready!’ But I wanted this baby.
We hardly had any money and had to move a long way from home for my husband to earn the money to provide for us all. But we managed, and I was happy, safe, in love, and somehow knew it would all be ok.
I think I first learnt then, very quickly, how to put my own ‘Oxygen mask on myself’ first, everyday…..
I felt young, but I went with my instincts and gut feelings, looking after our baby on my own during the day, to the best of my ability. Thankfully, it all turned out well, as we have two wonderful sons now.
In 2016, I became a grandmother for the first time and I wanted to be the best grandmother I could be.
Three years later in 2019 I became an Ollie Coach, to learn how to help ‘children’ and my grandchildren to be resilient and the best they can be. Don’t we all want our children to grow up without fears, feeling safe and happy?
Now, I keep reminding myself, if I feel anxious at all with my own children and grandchildren, how they are so instinctive.
My Ollie training reminds me that ‘I’ became an Ollie Coach, to help children, to learn how to ‘help themselves’, to find their own ways to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
What will ‘you’ remember about 2020? We can’t change the ‘Event’ but we can change the ‘Emotions’ around the event.
Will you be looking back remembering masks, and sad and fearful faces? Or, remembering how everyone clapped at a certain time, with compassion, kindness and hope. Remembering how we were all really brave enough, to once again step outside our own front doors, smile at strangers and give someone a big hug.
How will ‘I’ choose to remember 2020, when I look back?
For me, it is a time of reflection. Remembering to ‘re-lease’ my fears as I do the best I can, with the resources I have available.
I don’t like the word ‘lock down’ and prefer not to use it. So for me, this is a time to remind myself how to stay resilient and strong each day, In whatever I ‘choose to do’, and in whatever way, to keep myself balanced and happy.
I’ll be looking back at the end of the year, remembering the big celebrations I had in the October of 2020, celebrating my 40th Wedding Anniversary, with family and friends, lots of happy hugs, and having one hell of a party !
So, ‘ How will you choose to behave now, and each day, when the children are watching?’ What ‘Reality Tunnel’, will you choose to live in and how would you like your children, and your family’s and friends’ children, to remember 2020?
Now, I’d like to introduce you to
‘Louis’ and his ‘Superpowers’
I loved hearing this week how Scientists and Doctors are training dogs to ‘sniff out’ the ‘Covid bug’ to help in dealing with this pandemic, and to help prevent it spreading in the future. Dogs are so instinctive!
I’ve never owned or looked after a dog before. He’s my sons dog, a puppy, and full of fun and mischief! ‘ Poop bags’, barking to get off the lead and trying to chase the duck and her ducklings down the garden, or running after other dogs in the park. I’m walking him most days, and loving it! Enjoying a new exercise routine whilst my son and his girlfriend are busy working from home.
Just watching and learning from him reminds me to get out of my ‘comfort zone’, walking out to new local places and I enjoy watching him rolling around in the wet daisies!
He reminds me how good it feels to relax, to just get outdoors and enjoy the scenery. To re-balance myself and above all, to ‘re adjust my own ‘ Oxygen mask’ again, each day.
Lorraine Singleton, Ollie Coach
I qualified as an ‘Ollie Coach’ after switching from a successful 30 year career as an Estate Agent.. I first read about ‘The Ollie Concept’, whilst reading ‘Psychologies Magazine’ and getting my hair done in a busy hairdressing salon. I’m now looking forward to working with the ‘Ollie team’, in schools, workshops, and in helping others to ‘Find their Passion’, and own ways to manage their Emotions.
To get in contact with Lorraine, email
To find out more about Ollie and his Super Powers and how to become an Ollie Coach go to

Caroline Chipper
Co founder of Subconquest Ltd, that trades as Ollie and his Super Powers. My many years of commercial experience is being put to good use managing the business side of Ollie, including working with our Ollie Coaches, and managing our contracts. In everything we do its about making a difference to those we work with. To find out more go to