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How to Speedcoach effectively

A simple technique to get quick results using picture coaching cards.

If you see an opportunity to coach, but have little time to spare, the technique I’m about to describe is an effective way to get tangible results in 15-20 minutes.

As a practising coach, you’ll know the need for readiness, so it pays to carry a set of pictorial coaching cards. If you do, you have everything you need to make this work when the opportunity arises.

You’ll also need a quiet space (not overlooked) and a cafe sized table.

This technique involves a number of steps, and a series of simple questions.

The first step is to ensure your coachee is ready and willing. Then spread out all the cards face up on the desk. Ask the client to spend little time taking in all the images and – without over-thinking – to choose just one. Use the series of questions in the order they are listed, and give the coachee time to respond before moving to the next one.

  • Question 1. ‘What drew you towards that image?’
  • Question 2. ‘What thoughts does it bring to mind?’
  • Question 3. ‘Of those thoughts, which do you want to pay attention to?’
  • Question 4. ‘What comes to mind as a goal or action to move things forward?

You can see where I’m going with this – the questions are simple and yet they do the coaching work effectively. Keep it clean!

N.B. Clear expectations need to be set. If you are not likely to see the client again, contract accordingly. Or, be clear about how and when there might be an opportunity for a longer follow up session. Stay within a clear ethical framework.

Early on in my coaching career, I realised that images have the power to ‘unstick’ a client when straightforward coaching questions aren’t working. I also realised that quirky, more metaphorical images work better than photographs.

The truth is, you can use almost any selection of images – early on, I used photocopied clipart. Now, I want my clients to work with the best that I can give them.

The cards are currently unavailable as I’m redesigning the card set. In the meantime, you can use a virtual set by using the platform 

Best wishes – Pete

Pete Mosley PCC

Pete Mosley PCC


I work with quiet, thoughtful and purpose-driven individuals to help build confidence in both life and work, for example by supporting them to find a voice, speak up, pitch or talk in public without feeling intimidated by louder voices. As a reflective person myself, I'm drawn towards working with others who find the cut and thrust of everyday life to be a challenge. I also help business owners work out how to promote themselves and build an audience for their work. I'm a graduate of the acclaimed Barefoot Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching, and I now teach for Barefoot. My book - The Art of Shouting Quietly - a guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls – has sold in 25 countries around the world. I'm very experienced - I have 15 years of track record as a mentor in the Creative Industries prior to training as a coach in 2008. Please don't hesitate to get in touch - I'm always happy to talk with you about coaching/mentoring on the phone - with no obligation.

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