How love can cure depression
A conversation with a sufi psychotherapist ...

When I moved from Kent to Wales I wanted to do some psychotherapy. A friend in Kent had recommended the CCPE in London where I loved the one day course I did in Archetypes, Alchemy and the Unconscious. At the end of the day I went to see if they had any therapists in Wales and they pulled out a card index box (remember those??). Of all the very many cards, there was only one card for Ireland, Scotland and Wales and on that one card was only one name: it was Michael’s and it turned out he lived a hill away from me.
That was nearly 20 years ago and after my years of therapy with him we became friends and co-thinkers, co-walkers and co-founders of an Innovations Group which ran for a decade.
He is one of the wisest, warmest, most open and interested people I know, so to be able to talk to him about his latest project; a book about curing depression through love, was a delight.
I hope you enjoy our conversation which you can listen to here.
Take care.
Thanks to Mattia Faloretti for your photo

Julie Leoni
Coach, author, podcaster, facilitator, Yoga and psychology teacher, learner
I have over 30 years of experience and qualification in various therapeutic and meditation/mindfulness based approaches. I work with change. Some changes we chose, others happen to us. Sometimes we know we want to change but don't know how. Sometimes we don't want to change but external events or people are forcing us to change. The menopause, children leaving home, the end of a relationship or job, becoming a parent, coming out, bereavement are just some of the personal changes I support people with. I also work with people who want to make changes to their life and wider world in response to social issues such as Covid, the climate crisis and racial, sexual and gender inequalities. Times are changing whether we want them to or not and we need to be nimble, agile, curious and open in order to part of the new story emerging. Work with me to get clear on what matters to you, what makes your heart sing and what kind of future you want for yourself and those you love. It is possible to live differently, get in touch to explore how.