Full Moon Meditation & Fire Ceremony
Try this simple but powerful meditation and fire ceremony and see the fire transform the old energies that are no longer serving you!

We are influenced by different cycles. Some external, like the seasons or the moon. We also have inner cycles like the circadian rhythm and in the case of women, our menstrual cycle.
Understanding the different energies of these cycles and the impact they have on us is key if we want to optimise our health and well-being.
For example, you might have noticed that you need to sleep more in the winter and have more energy during the summer.
If you are in tune with your menstrual cycle, you might feel very different in its different stages. Maybe you feel like retreating during your period and more outgoing around ovulation. It is likely that you will feel more confident after your period and more critical the days before it.
In ancient traditions they were very aware of the influence of the moon and they used in areas like agriculture. The full moon is a very special day of the cycle and it was dedicated to celebrations, ceremonies and rituals.
If you want to know more about the moon’s cycle I strongly recommend you read this article.
Today I want to share with you a simple meditation/fire ceremony that you can do the day of the (or around the) full moon.
This is the perfect time to release, to let go of what might be holding us back, to say goodbye to what is no longer serving us.
You don’t need a big fire to do a powerful ceremony, you will only need a candle, a few toothpicks and your intention!
This is how to do it step by step.
1.Find a place where you can be quiet and comfortable and where no one will disturb you.
2.Turn off all devices/notifications so you are not interrupted.
3.Light up a candle and set the intention to release anything that is in your highest interest to be released.
4.Sit in stillness. Focus on your breath for a few minutes, letting go of any thoughts unrelated to this exercise. If thoughts arise (and they will!) just bring back your attention to your breath and see them going.
5.Now spend some time self-reflecting, journaling can be a very useful tool to use here. The following questions might help you get some ideas:
What is not working in your life? What is blocking you from living the life you truly want to live? What are the stoppers? What do you need to let go of? Are there any unresolved chapters you need to close? What do you need to say good-bye to? What feels heavy in your life?
6.Once you identify what you want to let go of (it can be a part of yourself, a relationship, a habit, an old belief, a role, whatever comes to you), blow it onto a toothpick. Use as many as you want.
7.Burn the toothpicks using the candle (please mind your safety when using fire!) and feel how the old energies are being transformed and recycled by the fire.
8.Spend a few minutes in stillness integrating this ceremony and connecting with gratitude. Trust that the universe will guide you so the changes that need to happen will start manifesting in your life.
These steps are only a suggestion to make a simple full moon fire ceremony that anyone can perform at home.
But you can be as creative as you can, adding additional steps, gathering with friends to make it more powerful or using guided visualisations like the ones I have in my online program.
I hope you enjoy this practice and let me know in the comments how it went!
Every month I run FREE online events including Fire Ceremonies, Guided Visualisations, Manifestation and Healing techniques, downloads and more! Register here to unlock access to really empowering content!

Verónica Moreno
Humanistic Counsellor | Theta Healer | Shamanic Energy Healer | Life & Career Coach | Personal & Spiritual Development
Hi! I'm a qualified Counsellor, Theta Healer and Shamanic Energy Healing practitioner. In these times of chaos, crisis and despair, I see a huge opportunity for deep healing, personal transformation and soul evolution. I have a unique approach being trained in different psychological and energy healing modalities. Unlike in normal therapy we won’t just talk about your problems again and again. This a first step, and it is wonderful to gain awareness, but to get effective results we need to go deeper. With Theta Healing we will access the subconscious mind, and the Shamanic techniques I offer will work on removing negative imprints from your energy field. They are incredibly powerful techniques that will help you achieve a deep and effective transformation. So if you feel that you are ready to go within, release and heal all the blocks, beliefs, programs and traumas that are no longer serving you… If you want to start manifesting your soul’s purpose and highest destiny… If you want to feel truly empowered and in control of your life and the reality you experience… The journey starts here and now! I offer 1:1 sessions, packages and online programs for different budgets and preferences. Every month I run free events that include fire ceremonies and guided meditations. Have a look at www.veronica-moreno.com Or email me at hello@veronica-moreno.com and Let's have a chat to discover how I can help you.