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Find Focus – Mid-Year Check In

We have reached the Summer Solstice. The days may be getting shorter now but we’ve still got half a year to keep moving forward with our intentions.

Let’s find some focus.

We often start a new year with a renewed energy and talk about resolutions and all the great things we are going to achieve.  Sometimes these are do-able, but sometimes we are just unrealistic.  Finding focus and setting some attainable intentions can be really helpful.

3-Month Intentions:
Let’s focus in on the things you’d like to make happen over the next three months.  A focussed amount of time but enough time to chuck a few things in the mix.  I like to brainstorm all the things that are floating around my head and then get real about what I can get done in the next three months.  I also look at the things I’d like to include to replenish my energy, which right now includes a family holiday so I’ll have a little less time for the ‘work’ stuff.

3-Month Reflection:
This is the really helpful bit.  How often do you stop to give yourself a pat on the back?  We often don’t.  At all.  Write down everything you have made happen or experienced in the last three months.  This can include all the big and small wins.  Perhaps a work goal, or a nice weekend with family, or you hung some art on your walls at home, or you ate a delicious meal that will be a forever memory, or you made time to exercise, or you took yourself on a date, or you got some early nights…you get the idea!  Put it all down there and take a look at all the things you are achieving, all the time.

Break It Down:
Now what do you do with this big ol’ list of goals?  Break it down.  Do what works best for you but I find getting a focus on your intentions for the week, and then what you can manage in a day is most helpful.  See my post Getting Sh*t Done & Feeling Good About It.

Good luck!

Don’t forget to come back to this at the end of September.  Remember, whatever doesn’t happen, just hasn’t happened yet.

I’d love to know how you get on so contact me via instagram or email

Find me on instagram @BrightlyImagine

Contact me via my website

Tommy Ludgate

Tommy Ludgate

Coach For Creatives

My mission is to help anyone with a creative soul overcome the challenges that are holding them back in their professional career and personal wellbeing. With over a decade’s experience in coaching singers, songwriters and performers, I am an expert in nurturing people and bringing their talents to the main stage. In a former life, I performed with Paloma Faith, Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller and released an iTunes Top 10 Blues album. I am experienced in the challenges that can hold artists back and in building effective strategies to overcome them. I use my unique blend of coaching, mentoring and teaching experience to give creatives the power to achieve personal and professional success. Whether you’re an aspiring children’s author, freelance graphic designer, musician or stylist, I am passionate about working with your creative talent to enable you to achieve the results you deserve.

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