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Feel like you’re not being recognised at work?

How to achieve the recognition you deserve

Being undervalued, overworked and unrecognised in the workplace was never on anyone’s DREAM JOB description.

Yet, we find ourselves… 

  • going above and beyond in our roles, for little or no reward or acknowledgement

  • having limited energy and time for those we care for most

  • feeling pressured to take on extra demands for fear of being seen as “unambitious” or “difficult”

There is a crisis happening right now, all across businesses in the UK. This is a culture of crazy high expectations for little acknowledgement or reward and an ever-increasing set of assumptions. The myths taking root include;

Staying late to work on a project = ambitious

Answering emails on the weekend = dedicated

Taking on an interim senior role with no pay increase = team player

As an executive coach and career mentor working with ambitious professionals to achieve the success they really want and deserve, I have heard countless tales from burnt-out professionals who simply want one thing.

To be seen and heard.

To be rewarded fairly for their hard work

To be challenged and develop their skill set.

To be able to have an impact and be respected for their contribution.

To be recognised. 

Has your career got you feeling like you’re swimming in quicksand?

Constantly trying to stay afloat in between all the emails, the conference calls, the office politics, the long hours, the commute and let’s not even mention the assumption that this is how you succeed. It’s not. It’s the road to frustration, crippled confidence and burnout.  

All too many of us can relate to this. But here’s the good news.

Whilst you can’t change your boss or the company ethos overnight, you can learn new tools so you can go from undervalued to being noticed, no matter how much of a stretch that may feel like right now. 

It’s time you started to take control, without upsetting your boss, being seen as demanding or difficult and claim your space. You are already more than good enough, you already do enough. You can have even more impact and create the change you want to see in the world. All without cost to your health and relationships.   

The “Career Success Checklist” is my free guide which will help you achieve clarity and take the action needed to see change, in three simple steps;

Step One: Identify the opportunities to supercharge your success at work each week (yes, even when you feel at capacity!). 

Why this is important: Being clear on when you can have the most impact in your week – and how – allows you to focus on maximising those opportunities. It also helps you to communicate your priorities clearly to others. Ambiguity kills productivity. Clarity gets results.

Step Two: Focus your time, attention and energy on high value activities that will accelerate your career and deliver you the best results. 

Why this is important: Engaging in ‘low value’ activity e.g. email, social media, and being “available” for interruptions, can trick our brains into thinking that we are being productive when we are simply being busy. True productivity is our ability to produce quality results, consistently.

Step Three: Track your wins and promote your success to get the recognition you deserve to make your next move a sure thing. 

Why this is important: Validating your own achievements and claiming credit for them are essential career skills, You can’t rely exclusively on external recognition of your work. You don’t have to over-do it, but people are pressured busy and so you need to help others be aware of the value you contribute.

I created the free “Career Success Checklist” to help smart, driven professionals like you get clear, get visible and get results, FAST.

Why? Because I know you’re ambitious, deserve more and shouldn’t have to wait for it! 

To unlock the tools and techniques that will help you ditch frustration, become a recognition magnet and accelerate your career download your free checklist now! 

Caroline Rae

Caroline Rae

Executive Performance Coach

Caroline Rae is an ICF accredited executive performance coach, and career mentor, working with ambitious professionals to achieve the success they want and deserve.

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