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5 Tips For Finding Your Voice In Your Business

Are you a creative entrepreneur? Do you find it hard to talk proudly about your business? Do you have the fear that people will be put off, thinking that you are giving the hard sell? Read on for some tips on how to find your voice and speak confidently about your business.

I went to a networking event last night for women entrepreneurs.  There was a speaker and then a chance to meet each other and socialise afterwards.  As a coach, I am intuitively switched on at all times.  

I noticed how most of the people I spoke to were quite apprehensive to boldly share what their business was.  I asked one woman, who was particularly shy in sharing her work, why did she seem quite blasé about it?  She explained that she had actually felt really nervous to come to the event.  She is a mum of three and had been away from work for 8 years.  She has now launched a new blog based business working from home using her vast knowledge of her industry.  She gave the impression that she felt like a fraud and couldn’t feel proud of her achievements.

It occurred to me that so many of us creative entrepreneurs feel it is hard to proudly speak about our businesses.  So here are 5 tips on finding your voice in your business.

1. Breathe.  You breathe every day to stay alive but we hold a lot of tension that effects how calmly we can breathe.  This can really effect our voice and confidence in speaking about something.  So, take some time to breathe.  Breathe in for 7 beats, and out for 11.  Do this several times before a call with a client, or a networking event, or before you start work for the day. (Video for breathing exercise)

2. Build confidence.  Write down some of your business achievements and say them out loud to yourself.  Knowing there is evidence of your success so far is so helpful in building your confidence.

3. Be wild!   Practice talking about your business and what you do in front of the mirror, using some different voices to experiment with expression.  Say it loudly with pride.  Whisper it like it is a secret.  Have a bit of fun and say it in a silly voice.  Try emphasising the parts you are most excited about.  Just lose your inhibitions!

4. Practice.  Talk to the people that are close to you and practice telling them what you’d like to be able to tell others about your business.  Conversation is key to bouncing ideas around and then honing in on what the core of what you do is.

5. Take the plunge!  Take yourself to an event and set the goal to share your business with one person you meet.  Practice makes progress.  So doing this once, and then repeating it over time, will make it feel easier.  Soon you won’t remember the anxiety or apprehension.

As an entrepreneur, sharing who you are and what you believe in, is the key to your ideal clients.  They want to hear what you have to say.  Find your voice and shout proudly about your business!

If you’re still struggling, perhaps working with a coach to unveil what your limiting beliefs are, and reframing those, might be helpful?

Find me on instagram @BrightlyImagine

Contact me via my website

Tommy Ludgate

Tommy Ludgate

Coach For Creatives

My mission is to help anyone with a creative soul overcome the challenges that are holding them back in their professional career and personal wellbeing. With over a decade’s experience in coaching singers, songwriters and performers, I am an expert in nurturing people and bringing their talents to the main stage. In a former life, I performed with Paloma Faith, Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller and released an iTunes Top 10 Blues album. I am experienced in the challenges that can hold artists back and in building effective strategies to overcome them. I use my unique blend of coaching, mentoring and teaching experience to give creatives the power to achieve personal and professional success. Whether you’re an aspiring children’s author, freelance graphic designer, musician or stylist, I am passionate about working with your creative talent to enable you to achieve the results you deserve.

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