5 questions to reflect on at the end of the year
As the new year approaches I like to reflect on the year that has just been, and think about the year that is coming.

If you’re anything like me, the end of the year is often a reflective time. As the new year approaches I like to reflect on the year that has just been, and think about the year that is coming. Thinking through the highs and lows of the year helps me to appreciate what has been and to plan positively for the coming year. In fact I have a thick hardback notebook that I have used for many years for this, and other personal development exercises. I really enjoy grabbing a coffee, sitting quietly and reading through this book each year to see how much progress I’ve made over time, and how my thinking and growth has evolved.
Here are the 5 questions I use. Why not try this exercise too as you reflect on the year that has just been?
What am I proud of?
What did I learn?
What do I want to do more / less of next year?
What are 1 – 3 specific goals for next year?
What is the first small step I will take towards each goal, and when?
Sharon Peake is the founder of Shape Talent Ltd, a gender equality coaching and consulting business established with the sole purpose of accelerating more women into senior leaderships roles in business. We work with organisations to remove the barriers to women’s progression and we work with individual women, helping them to achieve their career potential.
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Sharon Peake
Founder, CEO and Executive Coach
I am an experienced business leader and executive coach with over 20 years' experience in global blue chip businesses focused on career development for individuals and strategic people management for organisations. Over the course of my career I have interviewed thousands of individuals and helped organisations select and grow the best talent. I know what helps careers, and I know what hinders careers. I truly believe that the world would be a better place with as many women as men running companies, which led me to establish Shape Talent - a gender diversity coaching and consulting business geared at accelerating gender equality in business and beyond. In my coaching work I specialise in helping women leaders and executives to achieve their potential, navigate career transitions and ensure a fulfilling and rewarding career. As a Chartered Occupational Psychologist I bring a psychological perspective to my coaching, looking at the underlying factors that influence the way we behave and respond to situations. Where it helps the client I can use a range of psychometric assessments to bring greater clarity and self-awareness to patterns of behaviour. My clients describe me as insightful, open, warm, encouraging and focused on ensuring the client’s success.