Test: How much freedom do you need?

In which areas of your life are you most in need of freedom and risk, and what might be holding you back? Find out by taking this specially commissioned Psychologies test, by Dominique François


Test: How much freedom do you need?

Personality Test

In a week, you’re off on holiday for a fortnight. You start packing…

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You’re visiting a National Trust property, and in one room, there is a curtain with a sign saying ‘Entry strictly forbidden to the public’. What do you do?

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You’re having breakfast at a hotel. You prefer…

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When travelling, what’s your style of taking pictures?

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Which flowers do you think are more romantic?

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If you had the chance to restructure your working hours…

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When it comes to joining a new company, what’s your priority?

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You’re having dinner at home when you get a call on your mobile…

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Which type of house appeals to you the most?

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The most hurtful thing that anyone could say about you is that you lack…

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On the train, a couple are arguing loudly right in front of you. How do you react?

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You pay your bills…

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