Simplify, declutter and breathe

Are you drowning in stuff that you don’t need, overwhelmed with life admin and so busy you haven’t got time to sort it all out? Could decluttering be the answer to all your problems, asks Anita Chaudhuri, Psychologies Associate Editor?


On a daily basis, do you feel completely overwhelmed, exhausted and fed up of working every hour God-sends to support a lifestyle that isn’t really making you that happy?

Here we explore what would happen if we took a long, hard look at our consumer habits and started creating a life based on values versus things? Anita Chaudhuri, our Associate Editor, looks at the new minimalist trend and talk to experts and real people who have made radical decisions about buying less, decluttering and asks – can living more simply really make us happy?

We talk to Tara Button, author of A Life Less Throwaway about how to buy more wisely –making sustainable purchases that last a lifetime. We invite you to dig deep by answering our coaching questions in our workbook about what’s really in the way of simplifying your life?

Plus take our test and find out what does your stuff really say about you? You can create your very own month-long Psychologies de-cluttering challenge with blogger and expert Cate Flanders and author of The Year of Less who will coach you on how to simplify our life.

Ultimate Declutter Masterclass! Fighting the forces that clutter us up with Tara Button

Ultimate declutter: month of less masterclass podcast

Read the magazine dossier

Download our dossier and test, which will guide you through our decluttering challenge. Read our dossier here!

Ultimate declutter coaching workbooks:

Each week you’ll have a downloadable and printable journaling workbook to coach you through this month’s programme. They shouldn’t take you much longer than fifteen minutes, but stick with them through the month and the changes you see will be huge! Grab a mug of something hot, and let’s get started! 

Week one, click here. Commit to the challenge!

Week two, click here. What does your clutter represent?

Week three, click here. Find your why…

Week four, click here. Being enough.

The Life Leap club

Subscribe and join the Life Leap club:

Join our all new Psychologies Life Leap Club – an exclusive online ‘coaching club’, free to all our subscribers, where you’ll be supported and inspired by the world’s top coaches, experts, and psychologists to help you create the life you really want. Find out more here.

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