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Why Changing Your Career Might be the Best Move You Ever Made!


Just one simple word……

So how come when we think of that one word it conjures up so many other words, feelings and emotions?

I’ve recently gone through these feelings…. 

I accepted a new contract, and there were times when I felt daunted at the prospect of the unknown. But something inside me kept telling me that if I hadn’t accepted it I would have been sitting there kicking myself for missing out on so much!!

Stay Safe or Get Uncomfortable?

Are you:

  • Unhappy?

  • Disillusioned?

  • Undervalued?

  • Not Stretched?

And Yet feel:

  • Scared to change

  • Scared of failure

  • Safe where you are

  • Comfortable

There’s nothing wrong with staying safe and continuing with what you know. But…..

If there’s that nagging feeling that keeps coming back, day after day, week after week, then I urge you not to ignore it.

A quick exercise that can help when you’re trying to make a decision is to ask yourself the following:

When I think about a new career or job – how does it make me feel? 

Do I feel energised or do I feel filled with dread?

If you feel energised then……feel it, listen to it and follow it.

Follow your intuition and trust in yourself.

So often we worry about the unknown, but what if it was the best decision you ever made? 

In years to come – do you want to look back and dream about the life you DIDN’T lead, and regret the chances you didn’t take?


  • Write a list of all the reasons you want to change career/job. Detail WHY you want to do this and what kind of person it will help you become. 

This will help to reinforce your brave decision.

Now have Courage and step forward, because You can do this. 

Please email me if you want any help or have any questions. Just don’t be stuck. Change is a good thing and can lead to so many new avenues. Click on my website to contact me directly.

Becca Forshaw – Life & Mindset Coach

Becca Forshaw – Life & Mindset Coach


I help women to create and build a life & career they love. If you're feeling stuck, then I can help you to realise that You have the power to change your life. I help you to challenge your thinking. During our sessions we explore your values, vision, strategy and how you can increase your self-confidence, take that next step in your career or drive your business forward. I can help you choose a fulfilling work life, help you have better relationships, and help you to see that life can be everything you want it to be. I have worked with organisations and individuals across many areas including Times Top 100 Companies and Non Profit Organisations, and have a background of over 20 years top performing sales experience working across many sectors. If you'd like to talk to me about where you feel like you're stuck, then please get in touch via my website for a no obligation call.

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