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4 Strategies to Help Stop Burnout

One day last year I woke up and it was like someone had flicked a switch in me. I literally felt like I’d lost my mojo overnight.

In the months prior to this I’d been working on overdrive. Any spare minute I had when I wasn’t being a mum, partner, staying connected with friends, keeping on top of the house, checking in with my elderly mum and my five other siblings and their families, was spent trying to work on my business.

As a coach who regularly helps women to deal with burnout, I was able to recognise that my body and mind were showing these very warning signs. 

I’d lost my enthusiasm for writing, lost my motivation for the digital & media course I’d subscribed to, and had lost interest in the many books I had in my office which were on my list to read.

Something needed to give, and my body was telling me this. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to avoid getting to burnout stage, and also to help if you feel like you’ve hit burnout.

Signs of burnout

  • Loss of motivation

  • Feeling tired and lacking in energy

  • Frequent headaches

  • Feeling frustrated

  • Short tempered

  • Feeling detached

  • Unable to cope

  • Emotionally drained

  • Decreased productivity

Burnout can just creep up on you over a period of time, but below are some strategies to try and avoid that happening, and how you can stop your symptoms from getting worse

Step 1 – Develop your Self Awareness

It’s so useful to check in with yourself. Start by making a checklist of all the things you’re currently juggling in life and how each individual area is making you feel. 

Having a greater self awareness can start to highlight areas that you may have been ignoring. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What emotions come to mind to describe how I feel right now?

  2. What areas of my life are making me happy / sad?

  3. What do I think is triggering those emotions?

Step 2 – Be Kind to Yourself

This may sound so cliched, but it is SO important if you want to start to reverse these symptoms.

Ask yourself

  1. What one thing can I do for myself each day that is just for me?

  2. What can I do/stop doing this week which will help me avoid those triggers?

  3. Is it ok to say No? – we get so used to people pleasing but saying no to certain things can actually feel liberating.

Step 3 – Confide in Someone

Is there someone you can talk to? Having just one person to share your thoughts and feelings with, can help you to focus on what’s working and not working in your life. 

Building a positive support network around you can be so helpful. These people will notice and share with you if they think you’re taking on too much.

Step 4 – Slow Down and Be Patient

Give yourself permission to slow down, and allow yourself the space in your life to heal.

Just as burnout can creep up slowly on us, it can also be a slow process to recover and reverse those feelings.

I gave myself time. Some things just had to “give” in the medium term, but that was OK because I knew it was best for me in the long term. I now feel much happier with the balance I have and like to “check in” with myself to notice how I’m feeling.

If you feel that any of what I’ve mentioned is resonating with you, then please do try some of these strategies. 

If you do have any questions on this then please get in touch with me at My Website, and you can also get my Free Guide for “5 Daily Habits that can Change Your Life.”

Becca Forshaw – Life & Mindset Coach

Becca Forshaw – Life & Mindset Coach


I help women to create and build a life & career they love. If you're feeling stuck, then I can help you to realise that You have the power to change your life. I help you to challenge your thinking. During our sessions we explore your values, vision, strategy and how you can increase your self-confidence, take that next step in your career or drive your business forward. I can help you choose a fulfilling work life, help you have better relationships, and help you to see that life can be everything you want it to be. I have worked with organisations and individuals across many areas including Times Top 100 Companies and Non Profit Organisations, and have a background of over 20 years top performing sales experience working across many sectors. If you'd like to talk to me about where you feel like you're stuck, then please get in touch via my website for a no obligation call.

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