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Psychologies is now available in digital format!


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Not only is Psychologies available on iPhone and iPad via the Apple Newsstand but the magazine is also now available in digital format for Android and BlackBerry users, via Zinio and PocketMags, which means all of you without an iPhone or iPad can download us, too. And for a limited time, you can download a FREE app, PLUS 16-page sample of the magazine. Just click on the links above. If you like what you see, you can buy individual issues or subscribe for three months, six months or a year to make sure that no matter where you are or what you're doing, you never miss an issue of Psychologies. The digital version is especially useful if you want to read about a particular topic. Just type in the word – be it procrastination, stress or money – and the app will find it for you. Excited? We are.

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