3 steps to a new beginning

Psychotherapist Fe Robinson gives us quick tips to achieving long-term goals


3 steps to a new beginning

1 minute read

1. Start here

Ask yourself what it is about now that you want to keep, yet stands in the way of what you want. One reason we donโ€™t succeed is, actually, we prefer now. If your enjoyment of eating ice cream on the sofa stops you being fit, make your vision of being healthy and strong so vivid that you want it more.

2. Be realistic

A mistake with long-term goals is wanting to do it all at once. For a new start, all you need to do is take the one step you need now. Map out the long term like this: in a year, I want to be there so, in six months, I need to be here, in three months here, in one month here, in a week this, and today that.

3. Take your time 

In order for the different state to feel normal, you need to repeat the new action for a minimum of three to four weeks. In the early stages, it will feel hard. If you feel inner protest and resistance, celebrate! Itโ€™s a sign that you truly are changing your behaviour.

Read more about new beginnings for body and mind in our wellness section.

Image: Getty


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