4 reasons to visit the Outer Hebrides to boost your wellbeing

The Outer Hebrides is a place of endless, epic landscapes - here are four reasons why you should visit to boost your wellbeing...


Isle-of-Lewis-c-Eilidh-Cameron reasons to visit outer hebrides wellbeing

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The Outer Hebrides is a place of endless, epic landscapes where modern day living is steeped in tradition and insights into the islandsโ€™ fascinating past are everywhere. Unwinding comes easily here and the natural environment is the perfect place to boost your physical and mental wellbeing.

The islands are said to be one of the last untouched natural landscapes in Europe teeming with some of the finest wildlife youโ€™ll ever see.

Regularly voted as having some of the best beaches on earth and home to one of the few dual UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, the 130-mile long archipelago off the west coast of Scotland is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking calm, tranquility and a break from the stresses of everyday life.

Isle of Harris (Photo: Rachel Keenan)

As the main stronghold of Gaelic in Scotland, itโ€™s one of the few places youโ€™ll hear this lyrical language spoken. Itโ€™s so much more than words, the Gaelic culture and traditions are rooted in the landscapes and communities of the islands resulting in a unique, spirited Hebridean way of life.

This is a land where white-tailed eagles soar, red deer roam, otters play and minke whales, orcas and dolphins grace the crystal clear waters. Itโ€™s a place where local communities are brought together by traditional music, song and poetry.

Itโ€™s bursting with local artisan producers working together to produce the finest food and drink, textiles and arts and crafts. A landscape where enigmatic ruins, castles, places of worship and mystical standing stones dating back thousands of years can be found.

The Outer Hebrides is a truly special place that will leave an imprint on your heart and soothe your soul. Youโ€™ll find the space to switch off, restore a sense of inner peace, breathe deeply to fill your lungs with the purest Hebridean air and free your mind to enjoy the simple things in life once more.

4 reasons to visit the Outer Hebrides to boost your wellbeing

1. Space to Unwind

Whether youโ€™d like to relax and recharge on spectacular white sandy beaches with crystal clear turquoise waters, or take to the hills for epic panoramic vistas and spot impressive wildlife, the fresh Hebridean air will help you unwind and slow down to island pace in no time.

2. Space for Nature

Spend time in nature and help to boost your wellbeing. The islands are a paradise for some of the finest wildlife in the world, with many unique and protected species providing unforgettable wildlife watching experiences. From guided wildlife tours to boat trips and a Bird of Prey Trail.

Cycling The Hebridean Way (Photo: Rachel Keenan)

3. Space to be Together

Enhance your wellbeing by spending time with family, friends and loved ones during a visit to the Outer Hebrides. Find the space and time to enjoy a digital detox, reconnect with each other and create new memories together.

4. Space to Wonder

Take time out and escape everyday life and immerse your mind in the fascinating history of the Outer Hebrides. Discover the unique history and mystery of the islands and enjoy exploring an intriguing heritage.

Find out more and plan your wellbeing trip at visitouterhebrides.co.uk/wellbeing.

Lead image: Isle of Lewis (Photo: Eilidh Cameron)

More inspiration: Nature & wellbeing: the impact on your mental health

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