Take stock of your life
Gain valuable information about whether you are living with purpose by taking an audit of what is really using up your mental energy, and another of what you would like to be preoccupied with…

1. Imagine you are an archer with five arrows representing work, family, friends, home and leisure, and special causes. Rather than just reacting to whatever shows up, by focusing on these arrows of intention, you are better able to aim your time and energy at priorities that are more important to you.
2. Write down your current focus in those five areas, then your overall focus in life right now. Be factual. Describe reality, not your aspirations. Take your time. The longer you take to write the list, the more likely it is that there is a lack of clarity in your mind.
3. Now be aspirational. Reflect deeply on what you want the focus of your life to be. Do this in two columns, the first for short-term focuses (three to six months) and the second for longer-term, life-changing focuses. This will challenge you to make your life more considered, deliberate and aware.
Adapted from Beyond Happiness by Anthony Seldon (Yellow Kite, £16.99)
Photograph: iStock