Stress less exercise: No.5
To celebrate the launch of its new Stress Fix range, Aveda has enlisted the help of The Stress Management Society, which has suggested some stress-busting techniques and exercises

The Stress Management Society's top 10 tips for dealing with stress are:
1. Avoid nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar products
They are all stimulants, so therefore they cannot calm you down. If you’re stressed, steer clear of them and keep yourself well-hydrated by drinking water instead, or a soothing cup of camomile tea. You could drink the tea in the bath tub while using Aveda Stress-Fix Soaking Salts. Add 1–2 tablespoons of Stress-Fix Soaking Salts to a warm bath, close your eyes, breathe deeply and release of feelings of stress.
2. Work off stress with physical activity
Pressure or anger releases adrenalin in the body. Exercise helps to reduce it, and produces ‘good mood’ substances in the brain. So go for a brisk walk around the block when you feel tense, and try some regular exercise after work.
3. Have a massage
Massage is a natural human response that has been steadily developed through countless generations and great civilizations. It is now a sophisticated therapeutic art and science that works wonders if you're feeling stressed.
4. Relax with a stress reduction technique every day
Try self-hypnosis – it’s and can even be done at your desk. Guided imagery is a form of self-hypnosis that has been associated with positive stimulation of the immune system. Positive suggestion is used to release negative self-image, assist in creating and achieving goals, and as a natural way to relieve physical, mental and emotional stress. The method can be used to treat stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure and insomnia.
5. Get enough sleep
Sleep is essential for the body to function properly. Sleeping pills are not necessary if you change your lifestyle. If you’ve habitually skimped on sleep, you probably won’t even remember how it feels to wake up fully rested. Give it a go for a week, and see if there’s a difference in how you perform during the day.
6. Do some desk yoga
Yoga has been used for 5,000 years to tone the body, boost the immune system and calm the mind. Most importantly, it unlocks inner happiness, lifting your mood and leaving you feeling light and energised. Desk Yoga allows you to use these techniques in almost any situation – sitting in your office or car, travelling on the bus. They are so discreet, only you will know you’re doing them.
7. Accept what you cannot change
A well-known serenity prayer asks us 'to accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference'. This philosophy will help you avoid unhappiness, cynicism and bitterness.
8. Listen to your body
When you're tired, hungry or thirsty, do something about it. Recognise stress and anger in your day and counter them immediately with a brisk walk, 10 minutes' deep relaxation or whatever works for you.
9. Learn to say ‘no’
Simple, but effective. Where 'no’ is the appropriate response, say it without guilt.
10. Exhale stress and breathe in relaxation
Breathing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to eliminate stress. Slowing and deepening the breath is the key.
The Stress Management Society is dedicated to helping people tackle stress at work and at home. Its team of health and professional consultants offers consultancy, staff training, event organisation and stress-management products. Click here if you need help tackling stress.
Aveda’s Stress Fix body care range will be available in Aveda Salons, Spas, Stores and online from April.