Retreats to help you find direction

This month, our new Retreat Editor, founder of Queen of Retreats Caroline Sylger Jones, explores retreats that help you plan your life


Retreats to help you find direction

What a luxury for us that there is such a thing as a life coach. There is no other relationship where someone is totally focused on you, what you want, and what will help you achieve it.

Having someone listen to you who is unbiased, non-judgemental, intelligent and honest is hugely liberating, and experiencing this on a dedicated retreat is a perfect way to kick-start your life.

The best life coaches on retreats work with you to help you determine and achieve your goals by addressing every aspect of your world, from your relationships, career and lifestyle to  your finances, personal growth and purpose.

Mentors, guides and narrative strategists also run retreats to help you work out how to move forward with creativity and confidence. While coaches listen to you and ask questions in a clever way to help you โ€˜ownโ€™ your situation, mentors and strategists also share their own experiences and suggest solutions.

A life coaching retreat is ideal if you are at a crossroads. You may be setting up your own business, dealing with a big change, such as divorce, relocation or a new job, or you might just have a niggling feeling that your life isnโ€™t quite right. They can help you work on a specific issue, such as courage or time management, or work out what is truly important to you.

Time to take life by the horns

You donโ€™t have to have a โ€˜situationโ€™ to deal with to benefit from a retreat of this kind. Coaching isnโ€™t therapy โ€“ itโ€™s for people who are ready to embrace lifeand act positively. Decide if you want a group retreat, or would prefer to have a bespoke arrangement.

Always have a conversation with the coach before you book to check that you will take to coaching โ€“ itโ€™s very much a two-way process โ€“ and that thereโ€™s good โ€˜chemistryโ€™ between you.

Below are retreats run by coaches, mentors and strategists that myself or a writer I trust has reviewed and recommended. All offer after-care packages and the option of further coaching, or you could buddy up with someone you meet on a retreat to help you both make the changes you need.

See more from Queen of Retreats at

Retreats to help you plan your future

Image: Stocksy

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