Psychologies Podcast – Learn How to Speak Up with Confidence!

In this podcast episode, we explore why speaking up is vital for our wellbeing and a fairer society, look at the barriers that keep us silent and offer strategies to help us use our voice with confidence. Plus, don't miss the famous Psychologies Quiz by therapist at the end of the episode!


Psychologies Podcast - Learn How to Speak Up with Confidence!

HAVE YOU EVER mulled over a conversation, wishing youโ€™d said something that was important to you, or dared to disagree? Whether at home, work or socially, weโ€™d all like to communicate authentically and effectively. And, in a world where having an online voice can be crucial to your career, knowing how to get your message across in a calm and lucid fashion is a must-have skill.
In this special Dossier Podcast episode, we explore why speaking up is vital for our wellbeing and a fairer society. We look at the barriers that keep us silent and offers strategies to help us use our voice with confidence. Plus, don’t miss the famous Psychologies Quiz by therapist at the end of the episode to identify what’s stopping you from speaking up, and ways to overcome your personal blocks.
Poet Seamus Heaney said: โ€˜Finding a voice means you can get your own feeling into your own words and that your words have the feel of you about them.โ€™ This episode shows you how…

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Written by Anita Chaudhuri, narrated by Ali Roff Farrar.

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