Psychologies live TV and interviews: the inspiring schedule

Don't miss our regular interviews on Facebook Live and Instagram with world-leading coaches, experts and thought-leaders


Psychologies live TV and interviews: the inspiring schedule

We have put together an exciting schedule of speakers to support, uplift and inspire you. Head to the PsychologiesFacebook or Instagram page to be part of the conversation. 

Speaker schedule

Monday  14th December 

1.00 pm: FACEBOOK LIVE – Celebrating, Honouring, Affirming! How do you tell yourself or others that you appreciate them? How can you create rituals to positively acknowledge you and your life? with the love coach Cate Mackenzie 

Catch up on all of our best videos at Psychologies TV!

Wednesday 16th December 

1.00 pm: FACEBOOK LIVE What are your feel good moments of 2020? Join Suzy Walker talking about hers and how you can enter an exciting competition with Feel Good drinks

Thursday 17th December

1.00 pm: FACEBOOK LIVE  What does female fulfilment look like today? With Edwina Dunn. You will learn โ€“ What matters most to you – How to strengthen where you can – Where to look for help. Edwina Dunn is one of the most successful leaders in the data industry, with a career of delivering transformational business change and founder of The female lead.


Image: Getty

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