New Mindful Thoughts book series

The Mindful Thoughts series from Leaping Hare Press comprises lovingly crafted little books to use for reflection – perfect for dipping into to gain meditative insights on conscious living


New Mindful Thoughts book series

Penned by heart-led authors, and beautifully illustrated, the series offers a gentle gateway into everyday life-affirming awareness for everyone. Each book is priced at only £5.99 – meaning mindfulness doesn’t have to break the bank!

Mindful Thoughts for City Dwellers by Lucy Anna Scott

We’ve come to believe that living in a city is the very opposite of living a mindful life. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Mindful Thoughts for City Dwellers leads the reader on a joyful journey through the city. From noticing urban nature to embracing noise as sound, author Lucy Anna Scott shows us how to find a home for the head, and the heart, in the metropolis. 

Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Ford

Mindful Thoughts for Walkers explores through a series of succinct meditations, how walking is an opportunity to deepen our levels of physical, and spiritual awareness.

From a gentle daily stroll to a brisk hike across the mountaintops, this is a powerful reading companion for rural and urban walker alike.

Mindful Thoughts for Birdwatchers by Adam Ford

From learning to deeply listen to nature’s songsters to discovering hidden birdlife in the city, Mindful Thoughts for Birdwatchers is an enlightening guide to why birdwatching is vital for a flourishing ecosystem and conscious wellbeing.

Mindful Thoughts for Cooks by Julia Ponsonby

Embracing cooking as a spiritually-nourishing meditation is a deliciously simple path to reconnecting ourselves to what we eat every day – this beautifully illustrated little book by holistic cook Julia Ponsonby reminds us how to do it.

To find out more about Leaping Hare Press’ Mindful Thoughts series, click here.

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