MOOD BOOST: Re-energise with a decent brew

Fancy a cuppa?


MOOD BOOST: Re-energise with a decent brew

Sebastian Pole, co-founder of Pukka teas and qualitifed practitioner in Ayurveda, Chinese and Western herbal medincine, recommends what to drink.

‘Herbal teas are perfect for a mood boost. I start every day with one. My favourite for a quick pick-me-up is bags that contain a blend of three different mints: fieldmint, peppermint and spearmint. The menthol in the mint is light and ascending, which helps to lift your mood and wake you up.

‘For low mood Three Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil and a member of the mint family, is the tea for you: it has long been used in India for clearing a foggy head and helping to lift a heart. ‘The best way to enjoy a herbal tea is to infuse for at least five minutes in freshly boiled water. For a stronger flavour leave the bag in to intensify as you drink.’

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