Jody Shield: meditation expert

The inspirational speaker, meditation expert and author talks about changing careers, juggling priorities and learning to switch off


Jody Shield: meditation expert

Q. What prompted you to take this career path?

Eight years ago, I was working in advertising โ€“ late nights, little sleep and partying too much. I was burned out and exhausted and something had to change. I booked a one-way ticket to South America in an attempt to โ€˜find myselfโ€™ again. During my travels, I spent 12 days on a retreat in the Amazon jungle with an indigenous tribe, and had an intense inner transformation. After 10 months, I went back to work, hoping things would be different, but they werenโ€™t. One day, a voice inside me boomed, โ€˜Quit your job!โ€™ and I knew it was the right time. I handed in my notice on the spot and left.

Q.Why did meditation appeal to you?

I discovered meditation in the jungle. It served as my way into healing and helped me understand the connection between mind and body. I experienced huge benefits from it, and it was instrumental in my transformation. Suddenly, I had space to connect to everything I was thinking and feeling, in a way that allowed me to make sense of it, and then act on it.

Q. What has been the biggest challenge youโ€™ve faced so far?

In my job, I need to be the clearest version of myself to be able to work with people without my own baggage getting in the way. This means Iโ€™m shifting, changing and facing my fears every day, and that is difficult.

Q. In your work, you wear many hats. How do you balance them all?

Itโ€™s important to have a strong, solid team behind you so you can delegate as much as possible. Meditation every morning keeps me energised, clear-headed and focused. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, I set a clear intention to focus on one thing at a time. I even block out slots in my diary to stay focused on one task.

Q. In our digital world, how do you switch off?

I turn my phone onto airplane mode at certain times of the day, and Iโ€™m learning how to answer emails in set windows. At lunch, I close my laptop and take a walk, or meditate for 20 minutes. Also, I try and leave London once a month โ€“ I put on my out-of-office and really switch off.

Q. What is one piece of advice you would give to others wanting to make a similar change in life?

Itโ€™s so easy to say, but I honestly believe itโ€™s better to jump and see what happens, than to always wonder what might have been. When I left my job, I was buying a flat, so it wasnโ€™t the best timing โ€“ but there never is a good time. Donโ€™t have regrets. Be proud that you tried, and know that thereโ€™s no shame in failure โ€“ in fact, itโ€™s courageous.

Q. What was the inspiration behind your book, Life Tonic?

Everywhere I looked, people were suffering from burnout, exhaustion and a feeling of being disconnected from themselves. My events were proving popular, and I could see people were crying out for simple, practical self-help techniques. I wanted to provide a modern toolbox to help them address this need, and look at the different areas of their lives in their own time.

Jody Shield is author of โ€˜LifeTonicโ€™ (Yellow Kite, ยฃ14.99).; @jodyshield

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