How to eat yourself happy

Ever turned to chocolate to cheer yourself up? We’ve all done it, but for most of us one piece is not enough and we end up feeling bloated and worse than when we started…


How to eat yourself happy

Here are five foods that research has found really can boost your mood:

1) Carbohydrates. Research has found that when you stop eating carbohydrates your brain stops regulating the happy chemical, serotonin. Serotonin can boost your mood and only carbohydrates have the ability to naturally kick-start its production. For a quick mood boost grab yourself a yummy bagel or, if you’ve got some time on your hands and fancy the healthier option, cook some wholegrain pasta or brown rice.

2) Fish. We already know fish is a healthy option but it’s also good for your mood. In a study with almost 5,000 recipients, fish eaters reported having better mental wellbeing than those who did not eat fish at all. In fact, it is the first piece of research to suggest that w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is found in fish, may act as a mood stabiliser.

3) Vitamins B and C. Not strictly a food, but taking a high dose of vitamins B and C improves mental wellbeing and reduce feelings of stress. You can get vitamin B from fresh dairy products, meats and green leafy vegetables like spinach. Natural vitamin C can be found in sweet red peppers, strawberries and oranges.

4) Essential fatty acids. Studies have found that people who are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids are more likely to suffer from depression. Omega 3 can be found in oily fish. So if you’re prone to feeling down you should add mackerel to your weekly shop.

5) Water. Possibly the easiest way to improve your mood is to drink a glass of water. We are supposed to have six to eight glasses every day. If you are feeling grouchy have a drink as it may be your body’s way of telling you it’s thirsty.

So what’s ultimate feel-good meal?

How about fish and chips from your local chip shop? Granted it’s not the healthiest option but the oily fish and carbs will give you a quick mood lift. 

Alternatively, you could cook a healthy fish paella with brown rice and leafy green vegetables. It’s a guilt-free option – plus if you make more than you need you’ll have a mood boosting lunch ready for the next day.

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