Heal your body and world with food
Ocean Robbins, author of ‘31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great And Transform Your World’ (Hay House, £12.99) shares ways to consume consciously

1 minute read
Your food choices have a profound effect on your physical, emotional and even psychological health. They also help to shape the future of life on earth. Here are five steps you can take that will make a world of difference.
1. Eat low on the food chain. Cycling feedstuffs through livestock is like a protein factory in reverse. Industrialised meat is bad for the planet, and it’s bad for your health, too.
2. Base your diet around whole plant foods. They’re packed with antioxidants, flavonoids and other nutrients that help your body fight cancer and heart disease. They also help you to make the neurotransmitters that put you in a good mood. I’d call that a win-win!
3. Cut the crap. The food industry adds more than 1,400 chemical flavourings, colourings and other artificial additives to our food. Many of them are known to be bad for our health.
4. Source consciously. When food is sprayed with neurotoxic pesticides, or comes from animals that were treated terribly and then pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, that has an effect on you. Organic, Fairtrade, pasture-raised/humane certified, locally grown, and non-GMO all help to build a healthier food system for everyone.
5. Join the food revolution! This is a revolution you fight with your knife and fork – and it’s a revolution in which you, your community and your world all win.
’31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great And Transform Your World’ is out now.
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