Fish pie with celeriac rosti topping

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and today is Wear It Pink Day. Here's how to get involved, plus a recipe from new title 'The Breast Cancer Cookbook'


Fish pie with celeriac rosti topping

A lighter version of the traditional mash-topped family favourite, this recipe is a breeze to prepare and doesnโ€™t compromise on flavour. Serve it with seasonal leafy greens or a crisp green salad.

Serves 4

1 tsp sunflower oil

1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped

1 large leek, trimmed, well washed and finely sliced

1 tsp thyme or lemon thyme leaves, roughly chopped

200ml low-salt fish stock

100g low-fat cream cheese

2 tbsp cornflour, mixed with 2 tbsp water

2 tsp wholegrain mustard

250g salmon fillet, skinned and cut into 2cm pieces

150g smoked haddock fillet, skinned and cut into 2cm pieces

200g baby leaf spinach

180g raw king prawns, deveined if necessary

1 tbsp finely chopped chivesโ€จ

2 tbsp chopped parsley leaves

200g peeled celeriacโ€จ

15g butter, meltedโ€จ

Freshly ground black pepper


1 Preheat the oven to 200ยฐC/Gas 6. Heat the oil in a large, non-stick sautรฉ pan over a medium-low heat. When hot, add the onion, leek and thyme and fry for aboutโ€จ5 minutes, until softened, adding a little water during cooking if the mixture seems dry.

2 Add the stock, cream cheese and cornflour mixture to the pan and heat, stirring, until thickened, then stir through the mustard. Now add the salmon and haddock pieces and heat very gently for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally and very carefully โ€“ so as not to break the pieces up.

3 Steam the spinach, or cook in a pan with just the water clinging to the leaves after washing, for 1โ€“2 minutes to wilt and then transfer to a sturdy sieve. Press the spinach repeatedly against the sieve to drain off as much water as possible. When the spinach is fairly dry, pat dry with kitchen paper and lay evenly over the base of a 1.5 litre baking dish. Carefully stir the prawns, chives and half of the parsley through the fish and spoon on top of the spinach. The sauce will be very thick at this stage but will loosen up as the fish cooks.

4 Coarsely grate the celeriac and squeeze in your hands to remove as much water as possible. Pat dry with kitchen paper and stir through the melted butter and remaining parsley. Season with black pepper and spoon evenly over the fish. Bake for 20 minutes, until bubbling around the edges and the topping is crisp and golden. If the top appears to be colouring too quickly in the oven, cover loosely with foil.

The Breast Cancer Cookbook by Professor Mo Keshtgar – consultant breast cancer specialist at The Royal Free Hospital โ€“ is published by Quadrille (ยฃ20) and is out now.



Photograph: Jan Baldwin

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