Film review: Swallows and Amazons

Suzy Greaves reviews this inspiring family film


Film review: Swallows and Amazons

This is one of those gentle films about a bygone age that will make you want to staycation in the UK, throw away your screens and build a boat.

Based on the book by Arthur Ransome, the story takes place in the summer of 1929 in the beautiful Lake District, and follows four children who dream of escape from boredom.

With help from ‘It’s grim oop North’ hosts (Harry Enfield and Jessica Hynes), the children are given permission to camp on their own remote island in the middle of a vast lake… and the adventure begins.

Rafe Spall and Sherlock’s Andrew Scott make great baddies. Throw in spies, pirates, penknives and girls saving the day – and you have a classic that can’t help but delight every member of the family this summer. 

Swallows and Amazons, directed by Philippa Lowthorpe is out now.

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