Everyday adventure: gain a new perspective

You don’t need to be wealthy, or take a sabbatical, to go on an amazing adventure. Morwhenna Woolcock explains how she has found time to fit adventures around her daily life, and shares this idea that anyone can try


Everyday adventure: gain a new perspective

Here’s a guide to gaining a new perspective

What you will need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Camera

Hunt out an interesting tree or sculpture, or even a building near to where you live, and do a ‘360’ of it. Look at it from as many different angles as you can, and take photos of your different perspectives: eye level, looking up, looking down. Can you get higher than the object? Could you lie on the ground? Walk around it and look at it with fresh eyes, noting details, shapes and shadows. What do you know about it and what can you find out? How old is it? What is its story? Are there sparks of interest that could be developed into a bigger adventure?

For example, you see a sculpture by Barbara Hepworth and you become intrigued by her and her life in St Ives, and decide to go on a sculpture trail; or you find a tree that’s more than 150 years old, which prompts an interest in where the oldest trees in Britain are, and you decide to start visiting them.

Once you get back, download your images. If you are feeling inspired, you could create a montage with the views you’ve seen. Do any surprise you? How might you use this 360 method on other projects you are doing, or to create more interest in things you see every day? Play and explore.

Photograph: iStock