Embrace a moment of morning stillness

The Naturalista, Xochi Balfour explains how a moment of stillness in the morning can boost your day


Embrace a moment of morning stillness

As autumn takes root and summer holidays fade into the background, it always feels like an opportune time to embrace new routines and rituals; to help bolster and balance, while the new-season bustle begins to unfold.

Daily practices that keep us connected, aware, grounded and calm are so important โ€“ and, while the thought of structured meditation sessions can send many of us running for the hills, there are little habits we can invest in each day that return exponential growth to the spirit.

One of my favourites is a moment of morning stillness, to remember what we are grateful for upon waking. 

It doesnโ€™t have to take more than a couple of minutes, but allowing ourselves the space to emerge from our dream world and cultivate a positive outlook, before we step into our roles as mother, wife, friend or boss (and all the โ€˜I shouldsโ€™ that come with them), is a wonderful gift to self.

My favourite practice is to say out loud one thing I am grateful for and one thing I set as an intention for the day. It can be as simple as gratitude for the roof over my head, and the intention to be present with my partner or colleaguesโ€ฆ

Just distilling our thoughts and focusing our minds brings us into a space of positivity, and reminds us of all that is, in fact, well in our ever-shifting world. 

For more from Xochi visit our #360me dedicated wellbeing channel.

Photograph: iStock

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