Darcey Bussell on resilience, dedication and coping with criticism

Retired ballerina Dame Darcey Bussell talks about her love of dance and the key to a happy life


Darcey Bussell on resilience, dedication and coping with criticism

3 minute read

Interview: Danielle Woodward

Iโ€™m turning 50 next year and I feel fine about it. I have always embraced whatever life has thrown at me; itโ€™s the only way to survive. In the past, dancers werenโ€™t meant to have an interesting career after they retired, and I feel incredibly lucky that Iโ€™ve had the opportunity to diversify. I want to make people aware that just because youโ€™ve studied one profession to the extreme, there is no reason why you canโ€™t use your experience in another role.

Dance, and the perception of it, is changing, and my book, Evolved, is a celebration of creativity; itโ€™s about finding an easy transition from that wonderful art into a more commercial world and using it in a good light. I worked with photographers and artists and realised that it was a way to bring dance to different audiences. A lot of hard work goes into making something look so beautiful, whether itโ€™s a dance performance or beautiful photography, which is why I believe these art forms have survived.

People think living a disciplined life is restrictive, but itโ€™s not; itโ€™s empowering. You live a regimented life as a ballet dancer, but youโ€™re constantly creative, because it affects how you express your emotions when youโ€™re dancing. The boundaries are to do with the technique and how connected to the music you are. Although I grumbled about the rules at the time, looking back, I realise how valuable they were; they helped me to focus and be resilient.

Training as a ballerina taught me to use criticism constructively; if the teachers werenโ€™t giving you criticism, it meant they didnโ€™t think you had potential. The criticism helped you take a step in the right direction. My family were very supportive; my mum always encouraged me to pick myself up and keep going. Also, I realised that I had to make this work โ€“ there was no option to quit, as I had nothing else to fall back on. And I was very stubborn, which helped! I believe that you should never move on until youโ€™ve made the most of something, whatever it is.

It is a gruelling life, so you have to love it. My mum knew I had to be on stage, but ballet came quite late for me; I was 13 when I was sure I wanted to make a career of it. The drive to succeed has to come from you โ€“ someone else canโ€™t be pushing you into it because, in the end, itโ€™s you who has to do all the hard work and perform.

My training helps me deal with negativity now and also, when I had my children, I realised I wanted to be strong for them. Motherhood did make me feel more emotional and sensitive, but something about having kids empowers you to say, โ€˜Hang on, Iโ€™m not going to let them down. Iโ€™m not going to let them feel vulnerable just because I do.โ€™

Being made principal ballerina at The Royal Ballet was a massive turning point; and at 20, I was the youngest principal they had at the time. As dancers, you are always looking ahead to the next step, and with each progression, you learn so much. Even though I was made principal young and was told Iโ€™d burn out quickly, my feet were firmly on the ground with all the years of training, so that wasnโ€™t going to happen.

Iโ€™m passionate about getting dance fitness into state schools; accessible to all. It helps kids become socially active, and Iโ€™d love dance fitness to be a regular part of PE lessons. Dance shouldnโ€™t be seen as a highly skilled art, or an extra-curricular club. I also think children should be doing a mandatory four PE lessons a week. Itโ€™s important that we learn balance in life. Itโ€™s not about extreme fitness or dieting; itโ€™s about keeping our bodies and minds healthy and happy on a regular basis.

I feel honoured to be involved in Strictly; itโ€™s an amazingly positive show with a great message โ€“ about the enjoyment of dance. Itโ€™s like being part of a West End dance company, putting on a great show every Saturday night. Itโ€™s fun to work with the other judges, too; we are all there to do our jobs well and maintain the integrity of being a judge but, of course, itโ€™s an entertainment show and itโ€™s live, which adds to the excitement!

Darcey Bussell: Evolved (Hardie Grant, ยฃ30) is out now. See Darcey on Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday evenings on BBC1 and follow her on Twitter @DarceyOfficial

Image: Getty

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