Chilli con carne

Valérie Orsoni’s surprisingly satisfying, deprivation-free approach to reaching a healthy weight is ideal for winter - try this chilli con carne recipe


Chilli con carne

I always make this for at least four people as it freezes very well, and the flavours have a chance to develop if it’s made ahead of time. Serve it with brown rice, buckwheat or quinoa.

Serves 4

Preparation 1 hour 30 min


3 tbsp canola oil

1 onion, chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

A pinch of ground cumin

1 red pepper, washed, deseeded and sliced into thin strips

600g lean beef mince

200g peeled, chopped tomatoes (tinned are fine)

300g tinned red kidney beans

500ml chicken stock

½-1 red chilli, finely chopped (depending on how hot you like it!)

Cayenne pepper

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sweat the onion and garlic with the cumin over medium heat, without browning.

2. Add the red pepper and cook gently until soft.

3. Add the mince and sauté. over medium heat, until brown.

4. Add the tomatoes, the beans and the stock, then cook over a low heat for at least 1 hour. To fully develop the flavours, leave on a low simmer for up to 4 hours.

5. Add the chilli, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Serve hot.


Replace the beef with turkey mince or crumbled tofu.

Photograph: Rita Platts

Le Bootcamp Diet (Quadrille, £9.99) by Valérie Orsoni is out now





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