Your thoughts greatly affect your chances of success or failure so if you’re in the wrong state of mind, you are less likely to follow an exercise or healthy eating plan
'You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind. Research shows that up to 80 per cent of the thoughts we produce in a day are negative. Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains, much like exercise; they raise the level of feel good hormones,' says Brain Food psychologist Elaine Slater.
Top tips for practising affirmations:
• Keep your affirmations simple. The best ones are usually short as this makes them easy to remember and believable. Also make sure that you don’t pick too many subjects ans this can dilute your focus.
• Recite your affirmation every morning. Doing this will activate chemical processes that rewire the brain as well as activate the self-healing power that lies within you. It also ensures you have a positive start to the day as the first thing you think about is your goals.
• Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself as you talk. You may feel awkward, at first but practise makes perfect. Standing at a mirror will also help to you to focus on your posture, ensuring that you stand up tall and speak slowly with confidence.