Books to Soothe the Soul: The Green Road

Our friends at Radio 4 tell us why you’ll love Anne Enright’s latest novel


Books to Soothe the Soul: The Green Road

'When the four adult Madigan children return home for Christmas to visit their widowed mother for the final time before the family house is sold, a familiar landscape of tensions is renewed and reordered. The Green Road is a story of generations, of place and connection, and of “all the things that were unsayable: failure, money, sex and drink.” At times it’s a difficult journey for all but ultimately, after the children find themselves forced to pull together, there is resolution, contentment and new-found happiness. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, I think listeners will take a lot away from this beautifully written, powerful family saga. I know I did…' Jo Green, producer, Radio Four.

You can hear Bríd Brennan read The Green Road by Anne Enright from Monday, 4 May at 10.45pm.  You can catch up on iPlayer for 30 days after broadcast. The abridger is Libby Spurrier, the producer Jo Green and it is a Pier Production for BBC Radio 4. Go to for more upcoming gems.

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