Are you over-sharing online?

Social media gives us an instant, remote community to share our lives with, be it funny stories from our day or emotional support in times of need. But do you know who you are truly sharing your posts with? Are you over-sharing? And if so, why do we do it?


Are you over-sharing online?

Online over-sharing – we see it everywhere.  

But why is it that grown-up people put their personal lives up online, visible to hundreds, thousands or even millions of readers or viewers, that in times past they would only have wanted to share with close friends?

Dr David R Brake identifies the reasons why we over-share online:

Sharing Our Lives Online: Risks And Exposure In Social Media by Dr David Brake (Palgrave, £16.99) is out now.

More inspiration:

Read Online photos: do or die! about online dating on LifeLabs

Read Sex, lies and social media by David Head on LifeLabs

Photograph: iStock

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