Embrace a joyful life

In the final part of our Balancer series, Eminé Ali Rushton looks back on what she learned by teaming up with Grace Belgravia for a holistic approach to health and happiness


Embrace a joyful life

This month’s column marks the end of the wonderfully fruitful collaboration between ourselves and the world-class wellbeing destination that is Grace Belgravia.

Looking back on our six months, I can see that I’ve come a long way. I’ve met some extraordinary experts – people who’ve coaxed the lazy, demotivated me out of my tired shell, showing me that a good night’s sleep isn’t always the golden ticket. What can really count, I’ve learnt, is how we nourish ourselves. With extraordinary health-giving, seasonal, satisfying food, yes, but also with positive thoughts, reinforced every day, until we create new ways of being.

Now I am so much calmer than I have ever been, despite being busier than ever before. I know it’s OK to take my time to sit in silence and stare out of a window (and let the dishes stay in the sink), to switch off all gadgets and go to bed an hour early just to curl up with a mind-expanding novel, to not beat myself up for missing several yoga classes but, instead, to find myself compelled to stretch and breathe deeply on a mat at the foot of my bed, as all around me slumber. To remember what my exercising body feels like when it’s pushed – to reach, strive and thrive as a result. Most importantly, to let pain, remorse and regret dissipate; to forgive, move on and go towards a day that isn’t entrenched with expectations of oneself. 

A three-day cleanse at Grace Belgravia, with food, snacks, personal training, spa treatments, medical, nutritional and acupuncture sessions, and wellbeing vitamin infusion included, costs from £1,900. Follow Grace Belgravia on Instagram and Twitter @gracebelgravia. Follow Eminé on Instagram and Twitter @eminealirushton

Create health from happiness

‘Each time you anticipate an outcome, you are using your imagination,’ says Ana Isabel, analytical hypnotherapist at Grace Belgravia. ‘Faced with a challenging situation, you might anticipate the worst. This is using your imagination negatively.

If, instead, you train yourself to imagine positive outcomes, you are using your imagination positively. In effect, you are creating new neural pathways and a new habitual, positive way of thinking.

'Even when faced with situations that seem impossibly sad or challenging, this new habit will mean that you are better able to find the smallest reason to be hopeful and are, therefore, more resilient. This is a precious resource that will enable you to overcome the most challenging of times in your life.’

For an appointment with Ana Isabel, visit gracebelgravia.com

Photograph: Johanna Gunnberg/Corbis