5 rituals for cosy self-care

Spirit Editor Larah Davies offers simple ways to capitalise on this season of recovery and cosiness, as we reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones


5 rituals for cosy self-care

2 minute read

In from the cold

1. Light a candle every night

This lifts the vibrational frequency, or energy level, of your space, offers a sense of โ€˜companyโ€™ when you are alone, and can turn the drabbest corner into a sanctuary.

2. Get creative 

Use the longer evenings to invoke your inner Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of creativity. Take a course or class to broaden your knowledge, or dedicate time to drawing, painting or writing.

3. Journal 

Rather than running away from unpalatable truths, use this time of hibernation to give the hard stuff a hug. Get those monsters out from under the bed, and allow for deeper healing. As you write down persistent problems, you will feel them become smaller and more manageable, and solutions will come to the fore.

4. Keep your kidneys warm 

According to traditional Chinese medicine, anxiety is held in the kidneys. During winter, place a hot-water bottle on this area to help you feel held, nurtured and relaxed.

5. Relight the fire in your relationships 

Make time to be with those friends and family members whose company leaves you feeling warm from the inside out.

Image: Getty

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