‘Lavender Lady’ gin cocktail

The 'Lavender Lady' is gin brand Hayman’s take on the traditional sour 'White Lady' cocktail


'Lavender Lady' gin cocktail

Here’s step-by-step instructions to creating the ‘Lavender Lady’ cocktail

The egg white creates a silky mixture, which perfectly accompanies the honey and Cointreau. Top the cocktail with a sprig of lavender, and sit back in the garden and relax.

Makes: one cocktail


  • 50ml Hayman’s London Dry Gin
  • 20ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 10ml of locally sourced honey or 20ml of honey water
  • 10ml Cointreau
  • 1 medium egg white
  • Dash of orange bitters
  • Sprig of lavender to garnish

Honey water

  • Combine equal parts of honey and hot water
  • Stir until mixed


1. Add cubed ice to a cocktail shaker

2. Pour the gin over the ice

3. Add all the remaining ingredients, except the garnish

4. Give all the ingredients a very hard shake and strain into cocktail glass

5. Garnish with a sprig of lavender

World Gin Day is 10 June. Recipe courtesy of Haymans

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