How to realise your potential

As purse strings tighten across Britain, it's more important than ever that we re-evaluate what really matters to us, according to The School of Life. I have just spent a morning at the school, learning about its new class, ‘How To Realise Your Potential'.


How to realise your potential

Run by theatre and film director Mark Brickman, it focuses on the idea that our passions hold the key to a more fulfilling life. 'More and more people are asking themselves what matters most to them,' he says. 'They are looking for a more balanced and enriched life.'

The first step is to identify what your passions are. ‘They are what get you out of bed for in the morning — they make you feel alive,’ says Brickman. Most people are inspired by nature, beauty, craft, care of the planet, pleasure or community. Once you've identifed your passions, the next step is to find a way of expressing them, be it through a hobby or a career change.

Brickman cites Derek Hood as an example. An ex-bassist who identified craft as his passion, Hood found fulfilment in book binding, while David and Christopher Mikkelsen, founders of Refugees United, identified community as their passion. The final step — action. Planning and reflection are important, but, says Brickman, once you get the ball rolling, you’ll be surprised how quickly ideas can take off.

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