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Courage triggers MAGIC

So you have all those qualifications and experience. You have an idea or a big dream. Or even several. Yet, you are treading water and waiting. Waiting to dare. It’s just plain scary to take that leap and become your own CEO.

You read about others doing it, living it and never looking back. Despite the pitfalls and uncertainties that go hand in hand with being a new, small business owner. You half listen to their advice and wish you could do it too. And then finally opportunity knocks and you go for it. You jump. Into the unknown. 

This was me. One week ago exactly. 

Looking back, I realise my leap was brewing for awhile. Years to be precise. I slowly attained one qualification after the other – a Masters degree, NLP courses, copywriting diploma and finally became a (Barefoot) certified coach – for the joy of learning but also to move ahead in my career. And search for meaningful work. And I did. But the meaningfulness got swallowed up in corporate nonsense.

My goal for 2019 is to turn learning into earning.

Courage is contagious, according to Brené Brown. Already others are inspired by my journey. What an honour. And I’ve been warned to be ready for magic to show up. It has!

Every day a new opportunity has landed in my inbox, or found it’s way into my life via a dialogue with a new person. I was reminded just today – never to underestimate the opportunities which will crop up when you create space. Space in your calendar as well as your mind. And you become ready to receive and act.

Sound advice from others

‘You don’t need to know everything before you start.’ I used to think ‘yeah, right.’ But this feels so right to embrace now and learn as I go along. 

‘The inner work is as important as the outer work.’ I’ve been doing the inner work for the last year – subconsciously. I worked with a spiritual / mindful coach in 2018 who constantly reminded me of this and challenged me to think and do different.

‘A positive attitude and open mind to new opportunities will take you further than another training course.’ Fresh words from a good friend who is further along her journey as a small business owner.

My advice to you – be clear on your WHY.

It’s been said before. The why should be clear behind everything you do. My WHY is firmly in place while my WHAT could do with a little fine tuning. I am a Coach, Trainer and Writer, and slowly gaining clarity on how to combine my passion for and expertise within these areas. I trust it will happen. I am working from a space of love, desire and readiness to contribute and support others. I am not worried, desperate or afraid of missing out. I am in the right place and feel excited about the journey ahead and eager to meet the people I will work with.

Ready for a life leap? 
Where are you on your life leap journey? What needs to change or happen to push you further in the right direction?

Building inner faith and trust, and taking baby steps does not need to happen alone. A coach can be a wonderful member of your support tribe. A life-changing investment in YOU and YOUR DREAMS.

Karin Weiser

Karin Weiser

International Business Coach (ICF-ACC) and Writer

Transition Specialist who supports ambitious professionals in transition in their career and life with conversations that matter. I help ambitious professionals to write the next chapter of their career story. To own it, walk it and talk it. I have rewritten my story many times - moved countries, climbed the corporate ladder, zigzagged in my career. I stand for diversity, well-being and lifelong learning. In 2019 I took a life leap to self-employment. Proud to be a Psychologies Ambassador and ICF Barefoot certified coach (ACC). My WHY is to have a positive impact on people - in person, virtually and through words. British by birth, global by choice - I'm based in Copenhagen and work globally. My personal recipe for a balanced life includes a splash of optimism, yoga and dark chocolate.

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